Install Hospital Management system


Online electronic medical record is software that runs on the internet or on a local computer, developed for the purpose of keeping complete patient records and other hospital activities and eliminating folders. The system also serves as a database for hospitals and system to centralize patients medical record that can be accessed anywhere at any time irrespective of the hospital the patient goes. It is built to eliminate papers, folders, Out-patient cards and improve records in the hospital. The software is currently being use by Akwa Ibom State Government Clinics, General Hospital Kubwa, Abuja and many other hospitals and clinics all over Nigeria.

Buy and  Download instantly and install by yourself. For instruction on how to use the software  Click here to download

It is free to install online for your hospital, just buy your domain and host. We can also help you to install offline. just download and install team viewer we can use that to install for you on your computer or server.

To install by yourself  click here for video demo on how to do that it is easy.

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Online electronic medical record is software that runs on the internet or on a local computer, developed for the purpose of keeping complete patient records and other hospital activities and eliminating folders in Nigeria hospitals.

The system also serves as a database for hospitals and system to centralize patients medical record that can be accessed anywhere at any time irrespective of the hospital the patient goes. It is built to eliminate papers, folders, Out-patient cards and improve records in the hospital. The software is currently being use by Akwa Ibom State Government Clinics, General Hospital Kubwa, Abuja, Mount Gilead Hospital Benin Edo state, Radiyah Hospital Dutse, Abuja and many other hospitals and clinics all over Nigeria.

How it works

View demo of the system

When a patients comes to the hospital, the receptionist login to the system to check if the patients is already in the system , if he or she is a new patients, the receptionist will register the patient and the system will automatically open a page like a normal folder for the patient on the system and notify the doctor by send him or her a message through the system, the doctor will reply and ask the patient to come in, when seeing a patient, the doctor will open the patient page from the message that was sent to him, look at the patient medical history and entered a new medical problem and send for a clinical test by just choosing the test he or she want the patient to go and those at the lab will see it. The lab technician will do their test and upload the test result on the patient page and as the patient goes back to the doctor the doctor will open the patient page to view the test result and prescribe medicine through the system, the pharmacy will log in and enter the patient page to give the patient medicine and it goes on to all departments in the hospital X-ray, scan etc. No matter the hospital you go, all the doctor need to do is to login to the system to view your medical history and know how to treat you. All the departments in the hospital are captured in the system.

Office for Nigeria content in information and communication technology Complete Ambulatory Electronic Health Record Certified:

ONC Complete Ambulatory EHR Certified reassures health care providers that the EHR technology they adopt has been evaluated by an independent third party for conformance to specific federal criteria related to clinical functionality, interoperability, information security, and patient privacy. Use of “Certified EHR Technology” is also a requirement in order for providers and hospitals to receive EHR incentive payments as they demonstrate “meaningful use” of certified EHR technology.

Namai requirements

Fulfills all the requirements of Nursing and medicals assistance International

Security and Privacy

The system is built with security in mind. The login page is well secured so that someone without authorization cannot login or view any record. And there is privileges for all users. E.G. receptionist cannot see what the doctor prescribed or the medical record of any patients, etc

Features of the electronic medical record

  1. Accounting: The system has an inbuilt accounting system for hospital to record patient payment; drug purchased etc and print receipt for the patient. Payment can be by cash, cheque, insurance or company. From the system, you can print financial report.
  2. Pharmacy: The system has an inbuilt pharmacy for drug administration, inventory adjustment with selling price of the drug affixed to every drug and this price will appear on the payment section of the system for patient to pay for the drug given to them. As you prescribe drug for patients, it will be subtracting the drug quantity from the pharmacy and any drug that has finished, the system will remind you, and you can run report to know the drug that are expiring, a complete pharmacy management included.
  3. Patient Registration: This is used in registering a new patient. In my work I have found that there are more or less 5 different ways of interpreting the term “demographics.” Date of birth, gender Birth year, gender, country, postal code, ethnicity, blood, (A or B) + Contact information (Name, Phone, Address,  C + Emergency contact information, family doctor, insurance provider data(HMO,NHIS) (C or D) + Allergies, major diagnoses, major medical history. Any patient registered, the system will automatically opened a page (just like a folder in the hospital) where the patients’ medical record will be recorded any time he or she comes to the hospital, including test results, prescription etc.
  4. Real Time consultation: Starting from patient complaint, analysis of the compliant and diagnosis of what is wrong with the patient.
  5. Laboratory: A doctor can send a patient for lab through the system choosing the semen’s, type of lab test and after the lab scientist perform his test, he or she will record it or upload the lab result on the system for the doctor.
  6. Medical history: Medical history of the patient, his parents etc are recorded on the patient page, including all the drugs being prescribed for him or her. Medical Problems, Allergies, Medications, Surgeries, Immunizations etc
  7. Appointment scheduling: A structured appointment scheduling system can go a long way toward improving revenue and increasing patient satisfaction in a medical practice. Appointment scheduling system sends both sms and email reminder to the patient reminding him or her of his or her appointment in the hospital.
  8. Electric Medical record: An EMR is a digital version of a paper chart or patient folder in a clinician’s office. It contains the medical and treatment history of the patients in one practice. An EMR allows a clinician to track data over time, easily identify which patients are due for preventative screenings, check how patients are doing on certain parameters such as blood pressure readings or vaccines and monitor and improve overall quality of care within the practice.

An EMR is said to make the process of patient record-keeping easier, more accurate and comprehensive and more efficient. Doctors use specialized software, which allows them to enter information electronically and makes patient’s complete history available immediately. Physicians can use a desktop, laptop or electronic clipboard to navigate through patients’ charts and record notes.

  1. Prescriptions: Electronic prescribing or e-prescribing (e-Rx) is the computer-based electronic generation, transmission and filling of a medical prescription, taking the place of paper and faxed prescriptions. E-prescribing allows a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant to electronically transmit a new prescription or renewal authorization to a community or mail-order pharmacy. It outlines the ability to send error-free, accurate, and understandable prescriptions electronically from the healthcare provider to the pharmacy. E-prescribing is meant to reduce the risks associated with traditional prescription script writing. It is also one of the major reasons for the push for electronic medical records. By sharing medical prescription information, e-prescribing seeks to connect the patient’s team of healthcare providers to facilitate knowledgeable decision making.
  2. Clinical decision rules: A clinical decision rule (CDR) is a clinical tool that quantifies the individual contributions that various components of the history, physical examination, and basic laboratory results make toward the diagnosis, prognosis, or likely response to treatment in a patient. Clinical decision rules attempt to formally test, simplify, and increase the accuracy of clinicians’ diagnostic and prognostic assessments.
  3. Patient portal: Patients can login on the portal and view their medical record, appointments, lab result, message send to them by the hospital etc (this is available only when the software is hosted online)
  4. NHIS : Link each patient with the HMO in charge of the patient
  5. Offline and online: The system can be installed over the internet or on a server within the hospital.
  6. Digitalizing your old folders: Hospital can digitalize their old folders by scanning them and uploading to the system.(You can hire people to do this for you)
  7. Report: View and print reports of all activities that takes place in the system, consultation, pharmacy, finance , visits, inventory etc
  8. Ready Made: The electronic medical record is ready made and can be deployed in one or two days.
  9. Security: The software is well secured with password and robot so that google will not pick it. And since it can be installed online, the hosting company will run automatic backup for you.
  10. Chat: A chat room to communicate among yourselves
  11. Store: An inventory management and complete accounting software for the hospital

Three of the many hospitals we have installed the system.

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